
Fishing Northwest Peninsula rivers is often done from a drift boat. Here is such a boat, on the Bogachiel River, in the mist. Boat in the Mist
In March, John and a friend drifted the Bogachiel for steelhead. This is our Willie Boat on anchor during that trip. On anchor
Another picture of the proud Willie Boat owner on the Bogachiel.
Here's a sequence. First, John playing a wild hen steelhead on the Bogachiel. Then a pictures of the fish after he landed it, measured it, and finally released it to continue its spawning migration.
Another fish, this time a wild coho (silver) salmon. Also caught and released on the Calawah River.
Just to show that not all fish are released. This happens to be a lake trout caught near Jackson Lake in Wyoming. But a similar fate awaits all the hatchery fish that John catches.